Teens are children below the age of nineteen that are currently obtaining their basic educations. The age at which many things including attempts to realize your life happens to such teens. Life skills curriculum therefore is imperative to train and coach such teens on how to realize themselves, their potential and what they can do to achieve their dreams. Education life skills often taught to teens enable them to be responsible young adults both in school and in the society. Read more here education lifeskills
First, they are taught virtues and such include the ones taught in religion. They are taught the need to be obedient to everyone, to persist in life, to cherish and love everyone among others. This is usually the basic lesson in such a class. They are also equipped with skills on realizing how to do basic chores and duties. At this tender age, most of youngsters don't know how to clean their bodies. It's during life skill lessons where they are shown how to clean every part of their body. They instill in them a sense of belonging through cleanliness. For more details visit, education lifeskills
Life skills in high school also teach learners the value of freeing from drugs. Here, the tutors are able to deliver points home on preventive measures of staying far from drugs and alcohol. The availing of real life addicts that have reformed from such issues is a teaching tool that most tutors would avail to bring inspiration. The issue of deadly diseases is imperative and is also taught. The learners are able to understand what causes such disease, their effects and prevention measures they can adopt. The teachers are also able to bring a victim of any deadly disease to share with students on how they got the illness and hot they can evade such incidence.
In education life skills, the major issue of corruption is a big topic that is dealt with exhaustively. The learners are able to depict how corruption affects all aspects of life and deduce vital points on how it can be curbed. These ensure clean citizens are produced after such lessons. Moreover, the issue of dressing is essential. Grooming makes up a person and at teenage this lesson is exquisite. They are taught good dressing modes both for men and women and shown the perfect way of keeping their hair. They are then instilled with knowledge of being responsible citizen whose gifts and talents is requisite for themselves
Read more from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_skills-based_educationand the state.